we are better together
It is impossible to accomplish our mission alone. These incredible partners have come alongside to make this vision a reality. We're always looking for more partners, too!
From hosting our English Conversation classes, our Glad Tidings Christmas store, to meetings & office space, our original partnership is vibrant and strong.
Partners passionately with the Community Garden
Loving our Neighbor &
Serving our City
Partnering through donations, resources & events
A longstanding partner in combating suburban poverty. We partner with Festa for the Good Tidings Christmas Store. Our ministry is vibrant and strong
Collaborator Efforts to Share the tangible love of Jesus
With our New Neighbors Booth; we encourage women to form and build relationships within their community and deepen their English conversation skills through selling homemade items from their home cultures. Building English language skills and work experience are invaluable to many new immigrants to our community as they prepare to enter the workforce and/or support their families financially!